
Payment Policy

At Melbourne Speech Clinics we offer affordable private rates and flexible payment options.

Payment is not required on the day of consultation or treatment.

For your convenience, accounts are sent to you at the end of the month.

We ask that you respond with payment within 7 days.

Our clinics are registered with Medicare, Transport Accident Commission, Workcover and all private health insurers.

Stamped and signed receipts will be forwarded to you for health insurance claim.

Please be aware that private health insurance rebates vary from company to company.

We encourage you to contact your private health provider for further information.

Please contact us for a full fee schedule and to discuss what funding options may be available to you or your family.

Cancellation Policy

Due to the 30-45 minute duration of our sessions and the waiting list of patients awaiting assessment and treatment, we ask for 24 hours notification of cancellation. Cancellations within 24 hours may attract the sessional fee for that time allocation.

Privacy Policy

Melbourne Speech Clinics value and respect your rights and privacy and are committed to the protection of your personal information.

Melbourne Speech Clinics is a privately owned proprietary limited company and is guided by the privacy recommendations of Speech Pathology Australia and is bound by the Information Privacy Principles contained in the Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic) (IP Act).

Electronic and Digital Information.

Melbourne Speech Clinics is also bound by the SPAM Act 2003 (Cth), which regulates the sending of commercial electronic information such as by email or SMS as well as the Do Not Call Register Act 2006 (Cth), which regulates phone calls. In addition, Melbourne Speech Clinics is bound by the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) in respect of health related information.

Melbourne Speech Clinics may collect personal information from its web sites. These websites from time to time, contain links to other web sites within Australia and overseas. Melbourne Speech Clinics is not responsible for the privacy practises or the content of such other websites.

All information gathered from you, and information gained through assessment and professional communication and correspondence, is done so with the sole purpose to assess, diagnose, counsel and formulate a treatment plan for yourself or child.

We understand that some personal details and family dynamics can be extremely sensitive and private in nature. Your information is kept with the utmost respect and privacy.

If other professionals involved in the care and management of yourself or your child contact us to procure information, you will be contacted for authorisation before any release of said information. Only the most relevant information will then be released.

At times, Melbourne Speech Clinics and other professional organisations undertake research into the practice and types of disorders being treated. Your personal detail will not be released in these circumstances.

Melbourne Speech Clinics take all reasonable steps to protect the security of personal information from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

All personal information, case history information and test results at the clinic that you are attending are held and stored under very secure circumstances. If you wish to inspect the case history information at any stage please discuss this with your treating clinician.

Melbourne Speech Clinics administrative staff are required to respect the confidentiality of personal information and the privacy of the individual.

Melbourne Speech Clinics administrative staff do not have direct access to your information, other than the basics necessary for written correspondence and for billing purposes.

This privacy policy will be reviewed annually to take account of new laws and technology, changes to our operations and practices and the changing business environment.

If you have any further concerns, please feel free to discuss our privacy policy in more detail with your treating clinician.

Copyrite @ 2012 Melbourne Speech Clinics. All Rights Reserved.


Covid-19   Policy Statement

Melbourne Speech Clinics are dedicated to providing ongoing care for our new and current patients during the Covid-19 pandemic. We will attempt to continue to provide consultations during this pandemic. Please follow the directions of our staff and signage posted within the clinic.

Our Speech Pathology practice has been modified in accordance with infection control requirements, the need for social distancing and use of Personal Protection Equipment. We encourage the use of face masks for everyone over the age of 12 years. Our clinics are cleaned daily, hand sanitisation is available at the front door and reception desk for your use and physical distancing is mandatory: 2 metres between each individual and 1 person per 4sqm.

Restrictions are in place and these include toys being removed and reduced seating in our waiting room and no more than two people in the treatment room at once, dependent upon the size of that room.

The rooms shall be adequately ventilated to reduce the possibility of aerosol transmission.

Options and alternatives to face to face therapy may include teletherapy via the internet. This will depend upon the age of the child, nature of the communication disorder and learning potential for such a service delivery.

Any client, family member or caregiver must declare if they are not feeling well or if they have been in close contact of someone who has tested positive or are awaiting their test results.

Please contact us directly if you have any concerns or are in need of further clarification.